Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Flippin' Tools

Napoleon Dynamite isn't the only one using the word "flippin" anymore. Even if you can't flip your entire classroom every teacher should start making their instruction accessible to students all the time. Refer to my MACUL 14 notes for the session, "Flipping the classroom in the classroom" if you don't know what I am talking about.  I was inspired and wanted to try and start doing some filming of myself going through math problems. You can try to do this online using Educreations but I tend to run out of space with longer math problems. I plan on using my iPhone 5 to record myself explaining math problems to students. I bought this clamp device which I plan on clamping on my elmo to have a birds eye view of the paper while I solve the math problems. Here is the link to it on Amazon.    
My math video tutorials coming soon.....

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