Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Simple Booklet: Digital Book Perfect For Project Based Assessments

Over the years I have experimented with multiple websites and avenues for students to be able to show what they have learned on a given subject or topic. Two years ago I was using Glogster EDU as a way for my students to complete project based assessments. For the last year I had been using Lino, which is basically a glorified bulletin board. Both of the sites can serve a purpose but I still felt as if there had to be something better out there for students displaying content they had learned over a period of time. At first glance, it appears Simple Booklet might just be that diamond in the rough I have been looking for all these years. They have a regular version and an educational version. The educational is the most affordable service I have seen, only $10 a year for 30 students. Perfect for a special education or elementary teacher.  The site basically allows students to build digital flip books and then share them via almost every way imaginable. A teacher can even upload a PDF or PowerPoint and the site will automatically turn it into a book that can be shared anywhere. Content created can even be viewed on tablets and smart phones.  The site appears to be very solid with quick loading, automatic saving, and easy navigation for students. I used the down time after students completed their mid-term exams this week to get them all signed up and experimenting with the site. I will be posting assignment and student examples in the weeks to come. In the mean time, I highly suggest you give SimpleBooklet a try.