Monday, October 1, 2012

Teacher Goals for Evaluation Process

Last year the Michigan legislature decided to change the way teachers are evaluated. (Avoid political discussion now) If you are unfamiliar with this you can read more about it here at MASA.  I created my goals today and wanted to share them with the hopes it might help others or to get feedback as to how mine might be improved. Feel free to comment on the Swag Teaching blog, Facebook, or Twitter.

Content Goals:

My Consumer Finance class will go up an average of one grade level by June of 2013. This will be measured by using the Star Math test which showed on 9/10/12 they are currently at a XX grade level which is the XXth percentile.

Professional Goals:

I will use Moodle to deliver class content, measure student learning, and facilitate the use of project based assessments in my Economics/Government classes this year by making at least 3 entries for each chapter. This will be measured by the number of entries per chapter on my class Moodle page in June of 2013.  Link Here